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The Dunmore Hotel Reviews


The Dunmore Hotel Reviews

Reviews of Dunmore hotel are being collected by Tripavisor and Google. The number of reviews seem to be low for such an Iconic Hotel. The Dunmore hotel is considered a luxurious hotel specifically in consideration for prices being charged at the hotel and or restaurants. Overall guests seem to enjoy their experience and are happy with their staying.

Reading  reviews on google and Tripadvisor it seems that quite a few guests have shown disappointments, guests expected more and better for the top dollars paid. Reviews also indicate some dissatisfaction for the level of service, it is described as slow, not too friendly. Guests seem to complain about paying $ 2 000 per night for a small older cottage. The Dunmore has collected less than 10 reviews in 12 months (2024) on Google which by itself is not a great sign. On Tripadvisor the Dunmore shows only 5 reviews in the past year, half of them being bad 


147 reviews  4.7 stars

Trip advisor

240 reviews 4.5 , ranked 2 in Trip advisor

The Dunmore Hotel Reviews
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